The award-winning Kinderfeets 2-in-1 balance bike and trike in a larger size. It's still same quality trike crafted from painted and lacquered birch wood; just bigger.

Children as young as 18 months can start with this larger Tiny Tot as a trike. With three wheels they can easily start to learn how to use their feet to get moving. When a parent feels a child is ready, the Tiny Tot Plus easily converts from a trike to a 2-wheel balance bike.

Dutch-inspired, low, step-through frame which places children's feet closer to the ground so they feel safe. Extra wide base and 19.5cm diameter wheels for riding comfort and easy balance. Adjustable, cushioned seat (Seat height: 25 to 34 cm). Weight limit: 25kg. Non-toxic safety hand grips featuring hand protection bumpers. Finished with non-toxic, water-based paint and lacquer.

Please note: The recommended age for this product is 18 months to 4 years. However a child's size, fine motor skills and balance coordination should also be taken into consideration. Some children may take a little longer to develop these skills than others; or be of above average height. Always use a bike helmet.

Made in an ethically run factory that Kinderfeets inspect and evaluate regularly. Tested and certified to European and Australian standards.

SKU TT03603
Barcode # 850007036034
Brand Kinderfeets
Shipping Weight 8.3000kg

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